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Aplikasi Hikmah dan Keajaiban Ayat-Ayat Al-Qur”™an berbasis Android is application which developed to give an information and comprehension about meaning of Al-Qur”™an verses related to science. Previously, Gustyawan have been designed an application called aplikasi fiqih ayat Al-Qur”™an yang berkaitan dengan ilmu pengetahuan and several similar applications that already available at Google Play Store. in this research, to complete applications that already available before, it will be developed a simillar application which add some features that already not have such as audio files, online video links, and animation contents. Rasearch methodology in Pengembangan Aplikasi Hikmah dan Keajaiban ayat-ayat Al-Qur”™an berbasis Android is using Prototype Development Method.
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Y. Taopik, , Bunyamin, dan A. Setia, “PENGEMBANGAN APLIKASI HIKMAH DAN KEAJAIBAN AYAT-AYAT AL-QUR”™AN BERBASIS ANDROID”, Jurnal Algoritma, vol. 11, no. 1, hlm. 102–108, Mei 2015.