Journal Description
Jurnal Sistem Informasi, Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (SISTEMATIK) is an online scientific journal that provides publishing services for scientific articles, research reports, and the like covering the study of Information Systems, Information and Communication Technology and Information Systems Management.
Focus and Scope
Systematic Journal/The scope of the journal includes but is not limited to the following areas:
- Bisnis Intelligent/Busines Analytics
- Rekayasa Sistem Informasi (Information System Engineering)/Perancangan Sistem Infirmasi
- Sistem Informasi Bisnis
- Data Mining/Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)
- Analisys and Research Field in Information System (Analisis dan Penelitian Bidang Sistem Informasi)
- Decission Support System (Sistem Pendukung Keputusan)
- Expert System (Sistem Pakar)
- Knowledge Management System
- Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management.
- Distance Learning
- E-Business/E-commerce
- E-Government
- E-Health
- Enterprise Architecture Design & Management
- Geographic Information System (GIS)
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Information Assurance & Intelligent
- Information Security & Risk Management
- IS/IT Operations Management
- IS/IT Organization & Human Resource Management
- IS/IT Strategic Planning
- IT Governance
- IT Investment Analysis
- IT Project Management
- Web Science
- Social Media in Business
- Multimedia Application
- Big Data Research
- New Technology Acceptance and Diffusion
- Green Information Systems
- Innovation Management/Technopreneurship
- Content-Based Multimedia Retrieval
- Cultural Heritage Applications