Application of the Customer Satisfaction Index Method in a Problem Reporting System to Reveal Customer Emotions

221-232 Achmad Lutfi Hidayat, Rinda Cahyana, Dini Destiani Siti Fatimah

Evaluation of User Satisfaction of the My APTIKOM Application Using the Technology Acceptance Model Approach

233-242 Kannisa Adjani, Sigit Hudawiguna

Design of a Geographic Information System Mapping Coffee Producing Locations in Garut Regency Using Rational Unified Process

243-251 Muhammad Rikza Nashrulloh, Dede Kurniadi, Yusep Maulana, Moch Riefky Chaerul Muttaqin

Implementation of the Gamification System in the Learning Management System

252-263 Sandra Budi Garnisa, Dewi Tresnawati, Sri Rahayu

Mapping of Web-Based Computer Shops in Garut Regency

264-273 Leni Fitriani, Yoga Handoko Agustin, Bayu Muhammad Fauzi

Rancang Bangun Game Basmi Corona dengan Augmented Reality Berbasis Android

274-283 Asri Mulyani, Yosep Septiana, Ridwan Burhanuddin

Design of a New Diploma and Transcript Management Information System at the Garut Institute of Technology

284-293 Fitri Nuraeni, Dede Kurniadi, Tryana Hadi Wijaya

Designing a Web-Based Sales and Order Data Management Application at SKMart

294-304 Sri Rahayu, Dede Kurniadi, Faksi Ahmad W

Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard and Least Significant Bit Cryptography for Email Message Security in Images

305-315 Repi Fahmi Sidiq, Raden Erwin Gunadhi Rahayu, Asep Deddy Supriatna

Implementation of a Payment Gateway in a Web-Based Wedding Organizer Application using the Agile Method using the Scrum Framework

316-327 Ridwan Setiawan, Rickard Elsen, Via Nur Afifah

Design and Development of a Web-Based Tourism Geographic Information System Case Study of Bandung Regency

328-339 Ade Sutedi, Deni Heryanto, Miftahul Hidayat

Application of Mean Analysis in Evaluation of the Usefulness of the Use Questionnaire-Based Academic Ability Test System for Prospective New Students

340-351 Fransiskus Mario Hartono Tjiptabudi

Design and Build a Guest Queuing System Application to Support the Effectiveness of Online-Based Parking Lots

352-363 Izzati Millah Hanifah, Endang Lestari Ruskan

Application of Web Engineering Methods in Developing a Web-Based Badminton Sports Hall Management System

364-375 Ayu Latifah, Wiyoga Baswardono, Alfin Muhamad Ahdan, Risa Aisyah

Design and Development of a Mobile-Based Information Service and Ticket Booking Application at the Situ Bagendit Tourist Attraction

376-385 Yosep Septiana, Dewi Tresnawati, Novita Fitri Nurohmah, Andri Ikhwana

Model and Implementation of Geographic Information System for UMKM Mapping in Garut Regency

386-397 Diqy Fakhrun Shiddieq, Fikri Fahru Roji, Wufron Wufron, Surya Garian Bekti

Implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm for Securing User Data of the VirCle Social Media Application

398-409 Mohammad Fajar, Audri Billy Kambodji, Izmy Alwiah Musdar

Information System for Da'wah Maps for Muhammadiyah Student Association Cadres in Garut Regency Using the Rational Unified Process Method

410-420 Wiyoga Baswardono, Asep Deddy Supriatna, Yusuf Hidayattuloh, Dudy Mohammad Arifin

Pengenalan Alfabet Sistem Isyarat Bahasa Indonesia (SIBI) Menggunakan Convolutional Neural Network

421-432 Indra Jiwana Thira, Dwiza Riana, Azriel Noer Ilhami, Brama Rizky Setia Dwinanda, Hana Choerunisya

Augmented Reality Mobile Application for Military Weapons Education Media based on Application Programming Interface

433-444 Ferdinansyah Da Yuan, Muhammad Zakariyah

Design of an Online Thesis Guidance Information System (SIBIMO) with the SCRUM Framework

445-456 Fikri Fahru Roji, Diqy Fakhrun Shiddieq, Ridian Gusdiana, Evi Puspita

Use of SQL Server in Practical and Sustainable Data Warehouse Processing

457-468 Arif Kuntadi, Yudi Feriandi