Application of the Cost Significant Model Method in Estimating Road Improvement Construction Costs

1-12 Ganjar Jojon Johari, Muhammad Rifqy Almuhsy

Analysis of the Effectiveness of Cyclists in Garut Kota District

13-22 Ida Farida, Riska Amalia Nasrillah

Evaluation of the Feasibility of Waste Containment Buildings in Sanitary Landfill Systems

Case Study: Pasir Bajing Landfill, Garut Regency

23-30 Adi Susetyaningsih, Nendi Rustandi Harsi

Analysis of the Stilling Pond of the Leuwikeris Dam, Ciamis-Tasikmalaya Regency

31-39 Amelia Citra Mulya Komalasari, Sulwan Permana

Evaluation of Garut Kerkof Culinary Tourism Parking Capacity

40-46 Elgi Ilman Maldini, Athaya Zhafirah

Drilling Well Water Distribution Planning for Cibunar Village, Cibatu District

47-58 Ahmad Rosidin, Sulwan Permana

Effect of Addition of Tannery Mud Waste on the Physical Properties of Clay Soil

59-66 Athaya Zhafirah, Arin Febriani Putri

Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures with Special Moment Resisting Frame Systems in KORPRI Buildings, District Garut

67-75 Nugi Abdul Chalid, Eko Walujodjati

Analysis of Slope Stability with Retaining Walls

Case Study: Ciherang Village, Nagreg District

76-81 Dendi Yogaswara, Agus Deni Komarudin

Effect of Slowing Vehicle Flow Based on Road Traffic Performance

82-89 Ismil Nur Ramadhan, Ida Farida

Inspection of Compliance with Vibration Standards for Safety and Comfort at the Ziadatul Abror Floating Mosque with Smartphone

90-100 Heri Khoeri, Galuh Adeputra, Zerik Sembada

Analisis Kuat Lentur dan Geser Balok Beton dengan Bundel Tulangan

101-108 Ade Linda Nurliana, Eko Walujodjati

Review of Road Work Rehabilitation on Jalan Cempa II, Mattunru Tunrue Village, Cempa District, Pinrang Regency

109-121 Novianti Novianti, Rahmawati Rahmawati, Hamka Hamka

Factors that Influence the Change of Residential Area Land into a Trade and Service Area

Muhammad Ramadhan, Achmad Saeful Fasa