Published: May 31, 2024

Total Business Implications for the Tapioca Starch Supply Chain Using the Green SCOR and ANP Models

Case Study: PD. Mekar Jaya

1-10 Ujang Cahyadi, Dedi Sadudin Tjaptajani, Dadan Muhamad Ramdan

Analysis of Work System Improvements in Brick Making

11-19 Yusuf Mauluddin, Ricky Burnama Futra

Supporting Factors for Switching to E-Wallet Transactions with the Technology Acceptance Model Approach

21-32 Risnawati Risnawati, Andri Ikhwana

Ergonomic Design of Tailoring Chairs and Tables to Increase Work Productivity

33-42 Anung Andi Hidayatullah, Yusuf Mauluddin, Deni Tri Utama

Design of Quality Improvement of Coffee Beans in UMKM Lestari Kopi

43-51 Aditya Saputra, Doddy Chandrahadinata

Designing to Improve the Quality of Photography Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) Services

52-62 Irfan Nabhani, Bilal Ahmad Dzulfikar, Hilmi Aulawi

Animal Feed Industry Production Capacity Planning using the Theory of Constraints Method

63-72 Andri Ikhwana, Dedi Sa’dudin Taptajani, Ikmal Wahyudi Nurul Hikmah

Analysis of My Jne App User Satisfaction Sentiment Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naïve Bayes Classifier (NBC) Methods

73-83 Hilmi Aulawi, Rina Kurniawati, Yogi Permana

Deployment of Soy Milk Product variants Based on Consumer Preferences Using The Quality Function Deployment Method

84-93 Budi Lukman Hakim, Doni Rafli Tamara

Planning a Marketing Strategy Scenario In The Xild Apparel Convection

94-102 Hilmi Aulawi, Dewi Rahmawati, Muhammad Khoirul Misbah Syahbudin

Penerapan Metode Simpleks Untuk Memaksimumkan Keuntungan pada PD. Meubeul Dua Saudara

Moch Dzulfan Fajri, Ujang Cahyadi

Quality Improvement to Reduce the Product Defect Rate at Garut Knitwear Convection

Irsan Maulana, Dody Chandrahadinata

Green Productivity: Mengintegrasikan Keberlanjutan dalam Produktivitas Organisasi

Risa Aisyah, Dimas Wahyudi, Zamzam Nurahman

Optimasi Rantai Pasok Beras dengan Supply Chain Operational References Model dan Analytical Hierarchy Process


Perancangan Ulang Tata Letak Fasilitas untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas dan Efisiensi Biaya Menggunakan Metode Systematic Layout Planning

Novie Susanti Suseno, Hilmi Aulawi, Rustandi Rustandi

Perencanaan Perbaikan Kinerja Perusahaan

Studi Kasus: CV. Kiki Jaya Motor

Novie Susanti Suseno, Hilmi Aulawi, Septian Kiki Al Faujan