Published: May 31, 2024

Analysis of the Impact of Using an Open Source Content Management System (CMS) on the Online Media News Portal Industry


Developing a Website-Based Online Preschool Booking Application

9-18 Sri Rahayu, Leni Fitriyani, Yusuf Mubarok

Dodol Raw Material Inventory Business Process Design in the Warehouse

(Case Study: PT.X)

Dewi Rahmawati, Yusuf Mauluddin, Tisah Maida

Manufacturing Information System Planning Based on Engineering To Order and Make To Order

26-34 Yusuf Mauluddin, Dede Kurniadi, Farhan Naufal Abdulah

Website-Based Tracer Study using the Agile Framework Scrum Methodology

35-46 Leni Fitriani, Ridwan Setiawan, Deviliana Nabila Anwar

Design and Development of an Expert System Application for Diagnosis of Freshwater Fish Diseases Using Forward Chaining

47-56 Asri Mulyani, Fitri Nuraeni, Jaka Muhammad Zaelani

Implementation of a Web-Based Geographic Information System for Pharmacy Mapping in Garut City Using Leafletjs

57-67 Bangbang Hartono Putra, Sri Rahayu, Muhammad Rikza Nashrulloh

Web-Based Scholarship Recipient Student Prediction System Application by Applying the K-Nearest Neighbors Classification Model

68-79 Dede Kurniadi, Fitri Nuraeni, Aura Fitria Hazar

Designing a Website-Based Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Debt Management Application

80-86 Ayu Latifah, Asri Mulyani, Aditya Mauludin Burdani

Development of a Cabbage Disease Diagnosis Expert System Based on Forward Chaining

87-97 Yosep Septiana, Wiyoga Barwardono, Ahmad Nurhalim

Development of Augmented Reality-Based Furniture Promotion Media Using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle

98-106 Dini Destiani Siti Fatimah, Asep Deddy Supriatna, Ikhsanudin Gotawa

Development of an Expert System for Diagnosing Automatic Injection Motorcycle Damage Using Forward Chaining and Expert System Development

107-118 Insan Satia Nugraha, Yoga Handoko Agustin, Raden Erwin Gunadi Rahayu

Sentiment Analysis of Student Academic Information System Services Using the Naive Bayes Algorithm

119-130 Taupik Hidayat, Rinda Cahyana, Indri Tri Julianto

Housing Geographic Information System Using the Rational Unified Process Method

131-140 Yosep Septiana, Yoga Handoko Agustin, Aditya Rahma Jungjunan

Daily Report Application Design Development with a User-Centered Design Approach

141-151 Dewi Tresnawati, Leni Fitriani, Muhammad Abyan Kamal, Asep Trisna Setiawan

Marketing Innovation for Motorcycle Accessories with Augmented Reality

152-160 Dini Destiani Siti Fatimah, Raden Erwin Gunadhi Rahayu, Reza Hasnan Habib

Optimizing official travel for the Garut Regional Development Planning Agency with Innovative Web Applications

161-169 Asep Deddy Supriatna, Eri Satria, Nanda Handayani

Development of the Application of Augmented Reality for Campus Facilities Information

170-179 Ayu Latifah, Raden Erwin Gunadhi Rahayu, Shantang Adhiimusyari W

Evaluation and Implementation of Indobert Question Answering (QA) in Specific Domains Using Mean Reciprocal Rank

180-188 Teguh Ikhlas Ramadhan, Agus Supriatman, Taufik Rahmat Kurniawan

Using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle in Designing Religious Tolerance Learning Media

189-197 Dini Destiani Siti Fatimah, Muhammad Syauqi Mubarok, Aulia Apriani

Live Chat Application Development Using Extreme Programing

198-207 Edwar Permana, Ade Sutedi, Rickard Elsen

Augmented Reality Bilingual Learning Introduction to Items and Animals for Kindergarten Children

208-215 Sri Rahayu, Dewi Tresnawati, Agung Gumelar

Village Fund Management System Design Analysis Using the SCRUM Process Model

216-227 Andre Chenaro Ginting

Development of an Eye Disease Diagnosis Application using the Bayes Theorem Algorithm

228-238 Yoga Handoko Agustin, Zidan Asgara, Wiyoga Baswardono

K-Fold Cross Validation Technique for Evaluating Student Performance

239-248 Wijiyanto Wijiyanto, Afu Ichsan Pradana, Sopingi Sopingi, Vihi Atina

Web Based E-Portfolio Development for the Career Development Center

249-258 Leni Fitriani, Ridwan Setiawan, Wildan Hidayatul Hamdi

Implementation of Puzzle Games in Sundanese Script Learning Media

259-268 Luthfi Abdurrahman Nashier, Ade Sutedi, Deni Heryanto

Analysis of the Financial Condition of Honorary Teachers in West Java and the Implications for the Use of Online Loans

269-277 Irfan Nabhani, Mikail Omar Nabhani, Liani Asmarani Fitri

Technology Acceptance of GoFood Services

278-283 Novie Susanti Suseno

Implementation of Customer Relationship Management in the Tourist Ticket Sales System on the Karcak Valley Based Website

284-295 Abdusy Syakur Amin, Yosep Septiana, Sri Rahayu, Muhammad Farhan

Design and Build an Android-Based ASBABUN Nuzul Application System using the Extreme Programming Method

296-305 Maulana Hasan Mud’is, Izzah Faizah Siti Rusydati Khaerani

Comparison of Live Streaming Video Services Using the Quality of Service Method

306-313 Fitri Hardiyanti, Panji Bintoro, Ratnasari Ratnasari, Tahta Herdian Andika, Ferly Ardhy, Agustinus Eko Setiawan

Analysis of Twitter User Sentiment in the 2024 Presidential Election (PILPRES) Using the K-Means Algorithm

314-321 Abdusy Syakur Amin, Dede Kurniadi, Muhammad Zein Nurzaman, Rifa Sri Nurfadillah, Sarah Khoerunisa, Nisrina Khaerunisa, Rafi Nurkholiq Ajiz, Tegar Hanafi Jembar, Ridwan Nur Faisal

Implementation of the Multi Objective Optimization by Ratio Analysis Method in Determining Land with the Largest Amount of Fertilizer

322-331 Ali Ikhwan, Ary Santri Yuanda, Fahreza Shiddiq Siregar, Reza Kurnia Lesmana

Investigasi Model Machine Learning Regresi Pada Senyawa Obat Sebagai Inhibitor Korosi

332-342 Muhammad Reesa Rosyid, Lubna Mawaddah, Risa Aisyah

Implementation of User Centered Design and Software Requirements Specifications in Website Design

343-354 Dedy Kurniawan, Rossi Passarella, Syahria Fardinelly, Febrina Hedy Anggraini, Hani Alifia Mattjik, Septa Rahmayuni